Jesus: The Heart of God

How can we really know anything about God, God that is rightly beyond anything we can fully imagine? Christians claim that Jesus is what can be seen and known of God embodied in a human life. This is a defining characteristics of Christianity, that we find the revelation of God in a person. This is the Christian understanding of incarnation. The podcast probes the way in which Marcus Borg guides us to “see Jesus again for the first time.” One of Borg’s lasting achievements is emphasizing the importance of the historical Jesus as our model for a life committed to love, compassion, and justice.



1 thought on “Jesus: The Heart of God”

  1. Grace and Peace to you!

    I enjoyed your message about Marcus’s teachings on Jesus!
    The first book I ordered after reading “The Heart of Christianity” was “Jesus: A New Vision.” That book inspired me to not only continue to purchase Marcus’ books, but it also led me to research the Jesus Seminar and find other great authors like John Dominic Crossan.
    Thank you once again for a wonderful job! I am looking forward to your next blog. And, I am looking forward to the upcoming Second Saturday next week.

    Pace E Bene

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