What is God?

Marcus provides a framework and ways to think and talk about what God is in a short opening for a small group of people to discuss the topic “What is God?”

What does the word “God” refer to?

Supernatural theism: God is a being, super being, separate and part of the universe. Some one who intervenes and sets rules and boundaries

Encompassing Reality: The spirit the world is infused with, we are in God as fish are in water. Marcus then recalls some mystical experiences in his 30s in which he experienced the world as slightly luminous and a softening of the boundary between himself and the world around him accompanied by a sense of wonder and amazement. Through these mystical experiences Marcus explains, God is an undeniable reality similar to the existence of elephants.

What is God like?

What is God’s character and passion? Marcus sees two understandings.

God is punitive: God loves us but God’s love cannot be taken for granted and he might punish us potentially eternally. This is fear based and goes best with a God that intervenes.

God is gracious: God loves everyone and everything. Marcus sees this as an understanding that fosters a deeper relationship with our world and our surroundings and is more compatible with a God that does not necessarily intervene.

Marcus explains that in his prayer he does ask God for protection for his loved ones not because he expects God to intervene but because it is an utterly natural way to show caring for his loved ones.  He also explains that he addresses God as a person who is present because it is a natural personification but it does not mean that God is necessarily a separate being.

2 thoughts on “What is God?”

  1. The video enlightens me and gives impact on my life. I talk to God because I know he hears and listen to me. For the reason also that he gives love and care to his people even we don’t see it, but we feel it.

  2. This video was wonderful. To see and hear Marcus again stimulates my memories of what his printed words first meant to me.

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