Epiphany: What We Don’t See Coming

In this session we talked about the need to re-contextualize Christianity for the 21st century, the tendency of conventional Christianity to  bypass the difficulties of life, and affirmed that deep in the structure of things is a goodness.  We also dared to suggest a return to Christianity without doctrine. 

2 thoughts on “Epiphany: What We Don’t See Coming”

  1. Hi, I have discovered that I have not APPRECIATED difficulty but pushed it away & complained about it. I have a whole set of values that automatically come up with Difficulty– like I must be bad, I’m being punished & that I’m Hopeless & Helpless. I approach Difficulty now ( when I catch myself) by just sitting with it quietly & give it Space-& Do Nothing about it. Then i FEEL the Difficulty in my Body before thinking about it. This Shift in perception & behavior is the God experience for me- when i get unstuck from my old negative patterns. I forget who said it: i choose to love what happens in my Life. I am the author without even knowing it turns things around for me.

    I love when you speak of the Hope of something better coming from this difficulty-& trusting that steadfastly. Whatever comes i will be Open to, gives me hope & courage.

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