Travels in India
A friend of Marc’s and mine is traveling in India: he was in Veranasi on an early morning visit to see morning rituals before the sun rose on the Mother Ganges. At the breakfast table next to his was a group of Americans. With “loud voices I couldn’t help but overhear. They were discussing new ways to worship in their churches, so when one of them said of course Marcus Borg was our inspiration I couldn’t help but stare. Which was noticed. So then we had a discussion, a couple of them had heard Marcus speak and they wanted me to tell you that Marcus changed their lives.”
Marcus Borg
So on October 19, 2017 an auditory sighting. The name of Marcus Borg and his ongoing influence rose above the din, wafting with cardamom and curry smells and mingling with the murmur of distant chants.
Images from India

Words cannot express the void and loss I have experienced that knowing I cannot hear or attend the Borg/Crossan lectures the one time in Bend and the rest in Portland. I am so grateful that you have continued his work along with your reflective words which has been such an integral part of the inspiration of and rebirth and confirmation of seeing Jesus, the historical Jesus, again in every facet of my spiritual journey. Thank you and I want to be a part of the continuous journey, or “franchise” of understanding how and to what extent I can participate in this journey of a new franchise, “seeing Jesus again for the first time” over and over again. Thank you, Ed Kirkland
Ed. You can imagine my sense of loss and void too. It is up to us now to bring to conversations our questions and affirmations to help us see Jesus again…and hear Christianity’s fresh word for the living of our days. Glad you are part of this. Deep peace.