The February 12, 2022 Second Saturday conversation deals with the unconditional. But first, Marianne highlights a few insights from Jack Caputo on prayer from our January session. Notably, Jack touched on prayer and the unconditional. Then February’s session begins a conversation on “the unconditional.” What is the unconditional? We tend to be transactional in our thinking and behavior. Our culture is largely envisioned as a meritocracy. This can translate into: what we gain we earned. But, what about the Christian story? Well, it depends. It is told more than one way. In this conversation, a story in the New Testament illustrates this point. Then following this, we ask, what kind of story do we think the Christian story is? We explore this open ended question and gain insight on it’s meaning.
The Unconditional
The overarching theme for this year’s sessions is “Telling the Story Again Anew.” What’s more, telling the Christian story again anew. Furthermore, a suggested subtitle for February’s session might be, listening for the unconditional. Marianne proposes that we liberate ourselves from conventional interpretations of the Christian story. Consequently, how we interpret and remember the story is important.

Please find a recording of our conversation below.
February 12, 2022 Second Saturday Conversation
A recording of the conversation is below. We have also included the chat log for the session below.