open book on a table

Before Human Hope

Our April Second Saturday Conversation took place on the death date of Dietrich Bonhoeffer. Bonhoeffer was a Lutheran pastor, theologian, and pacifist who was against Nazism. He hung on April 9, 1945 following a bogus tribunal for his opposition. We noted that Dietrich Bonhoeffer in his letters and papers from prison talked about the “world come of age,” “religionless Christianity,” and an age of “Human Hope.” In 2022 we continue to puzzle about the same issues and what they mean for a life of faith.

In our May 14 Second Saturday we explore the idea of “Human Hope.” Not to be mistaken as something we manufacture but rather our response to a call. We are in the liturgical/church season of Eastertide. Lent, Holy Week, and Easter get all the press. But this season of the church year calls us to continue our path illumined by the shadow of the cross.

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