The Foundation’s First Gift Awarded

The first gift of The Marcus J. Borg Foundation was awarded to Trinity Episcopal Cathedral, Portland, Oregon, in support of their Canon Theologian Lecture, The Unending Conversation: Progressive Christian Apologetics for the Twenty-First Century, which was held on September 24-26, 2015. Guest lecturers and participating attendees explored aspects of what it means to be Christian in the 21st Century.

The event at Trinity Cathedral was in keeping with our mission to explore what it means to be Christian in an ever-evolving, increasingly secular, complex and religious pluralistic world. We thought that it is fitting that our first gift went to the community where Marcus served as Canon Theologian from 2009 until his death. In addition, Trinity Cathedral was Marcus’s church community and was the site of his public memorial service in March of 2015.

The guest lecturers at the Canon Theologian Lecture were John Dominic Crossan, Diana Butler Bass, The Rev. Jacqui Lewis, Presiding Bishop Katharine Jefferts Schori, Rev. Ron Werner. Most of the lecturers were long time friends of Marcus and a couple of them had met Marcus more recently.

A bit about the presenters:

Dom Crossan was a friend and colleague of Marcus’s. He was often a co-presenter with Marcus, they co-authored three books, and Dom was a co-leader of multiple pilgrimages with Marcus and Marianne.

Diana Butler Bass was a friend and colleague as well. She and Marcus shared speaking platforms and conversations. Marcus’s and Marianne’s dog Abbey is the sibling of Diana’s dog Rowan so they are, in a way, family.

Rev. Jacqui Lewis, is the Senior Minister at Middle Collegiate Church in the East Village, Manhattan and executive director of The Middle Project. Jacqui and Marcus shared the podium on several occasions as colleagues and as friends.

Presiding Bishop Katharine Jefferts Schori had been a friend of Marcus’s since 1979. They met while working together as faculty at Oregon State University where they shared a love of learning and deep conversation.

Rev. Ron Werner, Jr. is a young Lutheran pastor in Portland, Oregon who is bringing young people together to explore the intersection of deeply rooted spirituality & collective action.

Also pictured in the photo The Reverend Marianne Borg, Chair of the Marcus Borg Foundation, and  The Reverend Nathan LeRud, Acting Dean, Trinity Cathedral.