
This archive of videos includes past lectures, sermons, and speaking engagements of Marcus Borg.

Please contact us if you have hosted Marcus and have a video of his presentation. We would like to include it as a resource and become part of our archive.

The Radical Apostle Paul

 This video is a recording of an interview of Marcus with Interfaith Voices about his book The First Paul: Reclaiming the Radical Visionary Behind the Church’s Conservative Icon which was co-authored with John Dominic Crossan.  Multiple Pauls? The interview begins with a discussion about why anyone cares how many Pauls…

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The Birth of Christianity

  In this radio interview Marcus discusses the two gospels that report on the Birth of Jesus and his book The First Christmas. Mathew’s story is much shorter if you remover the genealogy at the beginning the story takes up only thirty one verses. Luke takes one hundred and…

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The First Christmas – Marcus Borg and John Dominic Crossan

 This is a radio interview with Marcus about writing The First Christmas: What the Gospels Really Tell Us About Jesus’s Birth. Marcus and John Dominic Crossan had already written a book about Holy week, Jesus’s final week, together and decided to write a book about the beginning of Jesus’s…

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Finding Our Way: A Conference on the Church-Part IV

 Marcus speaks on a panel at Harvard Divinity School answering questions from the audience. How do you approach the practice of individual worship with people who are already very involved in the church so that it seems worthwhile and not like an additional piece of work? Marcus finds it…

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Finding Our Way: A Conference on the Church-Part III

 This lecture is part three in a series for Harvard Divinity School. Marcus opens with a brief prayer from St. Agustin “O God from whom to be turned is to fall, to whom to be turned is to rise, and in whom to stand is to abide forever. Grant…

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