What is Theopoetics? An Invitation (Featuring Scott Holland)

October 14, 2023 we had Scott Holland as our guest. Scott knows well what led to the emergence of Theopoetics as both a critique of theology and an invitation to imagine it differently. Scott is not only a professor of public theology and culture he is deeply involved in just peace efforts through the World Council of Churches and peace making communities. Scott opened for us an understanding of theopoetics and why it matters.  Enjoy this informative and inspiring conversation.

1 thought on “What is Theopoetics? An Invitation (Featuring Scott Holland)”

  1. Thanks so much for this inspiring and evocative conversation with Scott Holland on Theopoetics – I just made time to listen to the recording of the live event. In the Q/A session, I was struck by Scott’s reference to “Come and See” which is the fresh invitation into (re)wakening to mystery, to imagination, and to possibilities. I was inspired by this invitation a few years ago and got me to pen this poem which I humbly offer:
    Come and See!

    Step out beyond the dank, boundary walls,
    Open to the inextinguishable Light around,
    You are no longer a slave to impossibility,
    The curtains have been drawn,
    Look into the streaming face of Majesty,
    Life incarnate, in fullness has come,
    Come and see!

    Let go the stifling shadows of despair,
    The dawning presence of redeeming grace,
    The beckoning power of enlightening truth,
    The heavens are ablaze in wonder,
    Spirit descending with affirming touch,
    Life incarnate, in fullness has come,
    Come and See!

    Let come glorious grace upon grace,
    The hands in warm and welcome embrace,
    The kiss of friendship and the smiling face,
    The free flowing love of forgiveness,
    Word in flesh speaking deep within,
    Life incarnate, in fullness has come,
    Come and See!

    © Roger Arendse – 20160922, inspired by reflections on the gospel of John, chapter 1

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